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September 2023 Update


You may have noticed a regular group of volunteers planting out the latest 3km of Whale Trail from the Picton elevation to Lindens Road.

The Whale Trail is a 204km cycling/walking trail currently under construction between Waitohi/Picton through to Kaikōura and generously supported by MBIE, Marlborough District Council and the Rata Foundation.

The current community planting at the Elevation is part of a plan to plant out some 100,000 native plants over the next five years to help the environment and enhance the user experience. Whale Trail team, Robin Dunn, has more than 30 years planting experience in and around Marlborough and brings that wealth of experience to the Whale Trail. “You cant just throw plants in the ground and walk away. The right plant has to go in the right terrain at the right time.”

Keep watching for developments along the trail, the historic Awatere Bridge refurbishment is proceeding at pace with anticipated opening before Christmas. If you’d like to join the volunteer team contributing to one of our region’s great community building projects, please get in touch via the website.


Foundation funders 

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Iwi Partners

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The Whale Trail®  and logo  are registered trademarks of the Marlborough Kaikōura Trail Trust

© 2022 Marlborough Kaikoura Trail Trust

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