It’s a matter of public record that the Whale Trail rose out of the ashes of the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Following that disaster there was an impetus to, among other goals, increase community resiliance along the isolated communities of the South Island’s most easterly coast.

A few short years and a global pandemic later, and the Whale Trail is moving ahead at pace. With two full time crews working on sections between Picton/Waitohi and Tuamarino, and the final preparatory work being done before a crew starts in on the Hapuku to Kaikōura section later this month we can expect to see a great deal more trail built by summer 2024
But its the work of the volunteers that helps keep this project moving, and makes it a true communty effort.
Right from the start , the Whale Trail has been driven by community volunteers including Vern Ayson, Basil Stanton, Kevin Wilson and other enthusiasts.
To date the Whale Trail has had the wondeful volunteers from the Blenheim South Rotary Club building a shelter at Redwood Pass, the Waikawa Bay School Enviro group planting and adopting a section of track near Picton, and the Picton Cycle Thursday riders group helping with planting. At the Southern end of the trail is the Kaikōura Cycle Club, and Te Runanga o Kaikōura who have been an integral part of the trail planning and construction in their District.
There’s a great deal of work to be done as we look forward, and it wont happen without a collective effort. We’re excited to work with communities along the trail to ensure it meets or exceeds their vision for their future.
If you’d like to join the movement drop us a line at info@thewhaetrail.nz and we will surely find a place for you!